Legacy of the Dragonborn
Legacy of the Dragonborn

Warning entails slight comedy,

A save tortured to death by endless updating, re-loading and even cleaning every script in existence at one point. Doing everything one should not do he was the ultimate bad bay, removing mods installing mods. Even using feared mods like CWO didn't hurt him.

One mostly necrotic save now, he served me well. Surviving all the way from 15.beta up to 16.1. hundreds of hours countless levels later... He's on it's last leg.

No more crafting as it immediately Crashes the game, never going through Solitude as the endless load screens only existed there. and at some point it was too much, he can't leave the museum anymore without crashing. Knowing NPC'S and enemies have come and gone and the display counter rests at 1703.

Now it's time for a successor. something truly vile... A dawnguard follower, who hates assassins and destroys the thieves guild. Yes it can't possibly be more evil then that...

Just do I turn on persistency or not? it could be interesting, to see a dragonborn with such screwed morals following the nice guy who only became a vampire, a were-wolf and a lich.
